How To Build Your Brand On Instagram

How To Build Your Brand On Instagram

What motivates you to do what you do? Is it outside influence? Maybe internal desire to be greater than you are in this moment?

For the founders of WRLDINVSN, it was the idea of changing and creating a new version of luxury apparel. This brings us to the question of why. Why did the founders feel so strongly about this niche market?

Image of WRLDINVSN Apparel from Instagram

The story starts with Marlon and Nicholas who have been friends from a young age. They realized early on that they both wanted to build a brand that mattered. In fact, they actually created their infamous logo in middle school. While they knew that they wanted to create an apparel brand that would penetrate the luxury market one day, it wasn’t until Marlon started at a private high school, they realized how possible that dream was. From there, Marlon went on to study business management while Nicholas studied graphic design. This provided them the foundation and confidence to move forward with the goals they set for themselves.

Now in 2021, they have a widely known brand with an Instagram following that only continues to grow. John got the opportunity to sit down with them to get some insight as to how they made all of it possible. It is from this interview we are can derive these key points.


From the outside looking in, it may seem like success happens overnight for some brands. We fall short when we begin to believe this narrative. While there are some outliers, the majority of successful brands spend years solidifying their processes, messaging, marketing, and products. However, that’s not a story that sells, but it is one that needs to be told.

Similarly, for WRLDINVSN it took 10 years to build it to what it is now. This isn’t to say that it has to take an incredibly long time to build something great, but what it does mean is that to avoid wasting time and resources, you need to have a solid plan in place along with a strategy to move your plan forward.

This brings us to the next point.


Image of iPhone Presenting Social Media Channels
Social Media Outlets

Part of the success that WRLDINVSN continues to see can be attributed to how they utilized social media to promote their products.

Running a business in 2021 practically requires you to have your brand present across social media platforms. For WRLDINVSN they were able to use Instagram to create a community of people passionate about their brand and the products they have to offer. Not only were they posting consistently on their Instagram page but also had others featuring them on different accounts to reach larger audiences. This helped them grow their reach and expand into untapped markets which brings us to the next key point!


Image of WLRDINVSN YouTube page

As I mentioned previously, The founders of WRLDINVSN were able to use Instagram as an avenue to grow their brand. This proved time and time again to be an effective method for reaching their target audience. However, they didn’t stop there. They made the strategic move to test other platforms to further their reach. What does this mean for you?

This means that while it always makes sense to continue to do what is working for your brand or business, it doesn’t hurt to test other platforms to see if there will be success there as well. This allows you to unlock different methods of promoting your brand and to possibly gain an audience you wouldn’t have had you not tried.

In letting your brand live on multiple social platforms, you are creating touchpoints for consumers to interact with your brand. However, it’s important to note that if you are using social media as these touchpoints, you need to nurture the audiences you have on each platform. If you’re on Tik Tok, Instagram, and YouTube, you need to make sure to post content on there consistently and content that is relative to the audience on that platform. When you do that, the numbers will show your success.

These are just a few of the key points that WRLDINVSN was able to share with John in the most recent video on the channel. If you’re serious about learning how you can utilize social media as a strategy of growth for your brand, you’ll want to watch the full video linked here.

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