10 Things John Santos Can’t Live Without | Entrepreneur Edition

By Sonny Vasquez
July 17, 2021
10 Things John Santos Can’t Live Without | Entrepreneur Edition
By Sonny Vasquez x Published July 17, 2021 x BusinessEntrepreneurAbout John Santos

John Santos as you may know him is an entrepreneur with a passion for helping other entrepreneurs by bringing clarity to business and impacting the world through the brands that are created. After being in the entrepreneurial game for over 10 years he’s learned a thing or two about building brands and the needs of a business, but today he is here to share with you the 10 things he absolutely cannot live without.

I won’t go through all ten necessities of John, however, I want to highlight the ones that could be helpful to an entrepreneur like you.

Being an entrepreneur in 2021, it’s virtually impossible to not have gone digital. The world of business exists in a much larger space online and traditional brick-and-mortar stores are having to learn how to adapt to these ever-changing times. Accessibility and connection to the online world are a must. This is why the first of John’s necessities that I bring up is:

The Apple Ecosystem

Apple Ecosystem Products, iPad, Apple Pencil and Macbook
John's iPad and Macbook, items he cannot live without to conduct business.

From apple AirPods to his iPad, to his MacBook, John uses all these to successfully run his business. Whether it’s being able to take a call on the go thanks to his noise-canceling AirPods or drawing out the storyboard for his next video on his iPad, this ecosystem has helped John carry out his mission on the multiple platforms he exists on. In addition, Apple is continually updating and advancing their products based on the needs of the consumer which allows John the ability to always improve as the products he uses improve alongside him.

Moving onto my next point, being an entrepreneur can be tough, and going at it alone is not always the ideal situation. There will come a time in the upbringing of your business that you will need to reach out, ask for help and expand your team. When this time arrives, it’s ideal to find those that believe in the mission of your business and see as much value in it as you do.

John’s Family

Picture of Cesar Santos and John Santos sitting together
Left: Cesar Santos Right: John Santos

John has been so lucky to have his very own brother Cesar as a partner and key player in the business from the very beginning. It goes without saying that John’s family has been very supportive when it comes to John following his dreams and carrying out these business endeavors, but Cesar took it one step forward and took the brother loyalty to an entirely new level, quitting his job at the bank years ago to be John's right hand. Now, this isn’t to say they don’t have their disagreements, I mean c’mon they’re brothers, but at the end of each day, they are both working with the needs of the business in mind.

Last but surely not least, building a business from the ground up can come with a cost. Slowly the costs of building out your dreams start to pile up, and you might find yourself in a predicament, needing to pay business expenses, but worried about overdraft fees. This is where John’s final necessity comes in.

The HatchCard

John has been in that spot a time or two where money was tight and there was little to no cash flow coming in but outstanding debts that need to be paid. However, John wasn’t as lucky as we are today with options like the HatchCard available. Hatch is a modern-day checking for small businesses. Unlike the other options that exist, Hatch has no NSF fees and makes paying vendors an easy process. This has been a game-changer for the entrepreneurs out there and is something all should look into. Check it out right here!

John discusses 7 more items he absolutely cannot live without as an entrepeneur in this video. I encourgage you to watch and think about what has made you successful in the entrepeneurial adventure, and be sure to leave it in the comments of the video.

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